Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Health insurance is a big deal, Mr. Obama, so take a little time to get it right
posted 2-24-2008 8:22 a.m.

The problem with most backroom deals in politics is that they’re completed in everything short of a vote before the public even knows about them. Average Americans like you and me have no opportunity to influence the result, yet often we’re the ones most affected – sometimes most adversely affected – by the result. Such a backroom deal on health insurance reform is afoot right now, led by none other than Ted Kennedy. And President Obama appears to have signed off on it. I'm betting it's what he presents tonight in his address to the nation.

Senator Kennedy has long wanted health care reform and championed that cause, even for a time favoring a single payor plan not unlike Medicare. That he should be talking to stakeholders is not the concern. He wants to accomplish something lasting on health care before he dies. But national health insurance, or even something close to it, is a far cry from what’s on the table now – and what is under discussion is more a full-employment plan for the insurance industry with you and me footing the bill than what most Americans want.