Thursday, March 16, 2006

Snark Bytes
Snarking back at the snarkmeisters



What's Better? His Empty Suit or Her Baggage?
The Democrats should not dismiss a politically less experienced but personally more charismatic presidential prospect.
Q.: His Empty Suit or Her Baggage?
A.: Maybe neither. But that doesn't mean Hillary shouldn't run. And anybody else willing to take some risk by taking on Dubya.

So: MoDo basically thinks Barack Obama’s charisma may yet be a saving grace, along with his sense of humor, despite his presence in the Senate being nearly devoid of meaningful content or action. The problem here is that Obama has kept his profile so low, his nose so clean, and he’s taken so few (any??) risks that we have no idea what he really stands for or what he could do (see cover story in this month's Chicago mag for a revealing slice of Not Much about Obama). And Hillary's not taking any risks, either, just when somebody should.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Civil unions: Just do it, and move on

Now that gay couples can legally marry in Massachusetts and various pro and con measures on gay unions are wending their way through other states’ courts and legislatures, minority opposition will stridently increase. Even though there are many more important things to discuss, the ultra-vocal ultra-conservatives will hang their hats on this issue and on abortion. The ill-advised blathering and grandstanding of Alan Keyes is merely one example. This shrill minority will insist to others that recognizing civil unions is somehow grossly, intrinsically wrong and that the concept would be irrelevant if not for those pesky gay activists who get so much play in the media. They’re wrong. This conversation has been coming for a long time.

From the moment American women first gained widespread access to reliable birth control, a discussion about gay marriage was inevitable. Don’t see the connection? Let me back up a bit.